Our Mission
Our Mission
The Mission of Miracle Life Global Outreach Ministries, under the leadership of our the senior Pastor, Dr. Cleon Munroe, is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
It is to maintain the worship of Jehovah and to inspire in all persons a love for Christ, a passion for righteousness and a consciousness of their duties to God and their fellow neighbors. We believe each individual Believer and Non-believer is valuable to God and to God’s Kingdom. We believe God’s word is the supreme authority, that love and caring relationships are key to every endeavour. We believe each member needs to be encouraged and supported in committing to a lifestyle of consistent spiritual growth with honest accountability and that each person is a minister with spiritual gifts to be discovered, developed and deployed.
We strive to identify and train emerging leaders who embrace the building of teams for effective ministry. We pledge our lives to Christ and covenant with each other to demonstrate His Spirit through worship, witnessing and ministry to the needs of the people of this local assembly and the community teaching the unadulterated Word of God and winning souls for Christ.
In Matthew 16:18 Jesus Christ said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. It’s very important for us , as a church, to know what Jesus is presently doing so that we can do the same thing. Some say He is involved in national reform; Others say He is involved in social reform, a select few say He is involved in political reform.
However, Jesus clearly indicated in Matthew 16:18 that He is building His Church. Since these things are, it is important to understand what the Church is and what it should be doing. The Testament makes it clear that the Church is not a building, or an organization, or a social institution. It is a group of people who have trusted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. The true Church is made up only of those who know Christ as their Lord and Savior. Since that is true, Christ has the right to say what the Church should be and do.
The book of Ephesians is all about the Church, the Body of Christ. In the book of Ephesians we
see at least three primary reasons for the Church’s existence which is the foundation of our
ministry goals. They are:
Ephesians 3:21 says, Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages,world without end.”
The primary reason the Church exist is to glorify God. This is the responsibility of every member in the body. We glorify God when we worship Him, when we praise Him, when we proclaim His word, when we live His word and when we spread His word.
We believe in anointing with oil for consecration and laying on of hands (Exodus 29:7; 30:30; 40:9-15; Leviticus 8:12; Mark 6:13; James 5:14-15). Thus, symbolizing the anointing of the Holy Spirit in sanctifying His people for the work of ministry
A. In strength- In Ephesians 4:11-16, Paul makes it clear that the Lord desires strong Christians. Verse 12 speaks of being perfected or matured. Verse 14 indicates, the Lord is displeased if we remain as baby Christians. Verse 16 says we are to be “built up” in love.
Christians should continually be growing stronger spiritually. This is so important that in Matthew 28:18-20 when Jesus gave His Great Commission He only gave one command, Make Disciples. Converts are not the goal. The goal is baptized instructed disciples. The church’s goal should be not only be to see new believers added but also to see them become disciples.
The Lord’s desire for His people, the Church is spiritual maturity. As Ephesians 4:12 declares, “maturing…… for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” Every Christian is to be a minister in the sense he is to be involved in ministering to others.
B. In size- the Church is not only to grow in strength but also size. Ephesians 2:19-21 uses the metaphor of a building to describe God’s people. Chapter 2:21 indicates this building grows. It grows stronger as we have just seen as well as in size as new people (bricks) are added when they receive Christ as their Savior.